
Terms and Conditions

Values Exchange Community Terms of Use


1. Eligibility

Membership of the Values Exchange Community is void where prohibited by law.

You warrant that:

  1. all registration information you submit is truthful and accurate;
  2. you will maintain the accuracy of that information;
  3. you will keep any password supplied to you secure;
  4. you are a legitimate member of the institution which subscribes to this Values Exchange, if there is such an institution
  5. your membership and use of the Values Exchange Community does not violate any applicable law.

2. Content

VIDe Ltd. (owner of the Values Exchange Community) does not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, photos, video or any other materials (Content) that you post on the Values Exchange Community. By using this site you assert and accept that any material you choose to post openly using the posting option 'to the world' a) is owned by you b) is not copyrighted in any way c) may be viewed by any other person that uses this site and d) may be openly reported on by any other user.

Material posted privately - for example in secure groups and using any posting option other than 'to the world' a) is owned by you b) is not copyrighted in any way c) may be viewed only by any other person that is part of the private group and d) may not be openly reported on by any other user. 

You warrant that:

  1. you own Content posted by you on the Values Exchange Community; and
  2. the posting of your Content on the Values Exchange Community does not violate the privacy, intellectual property rights or any other rights of any person.

When posting Content you must:

  1. treat the views of other members with respect;
  2. not use any obscene, indecent, threatening or offensive language;
  3. not post any Content that may be defamatory, obscene, an infringement of intellectual property rights, discriminatory, misleading or deceptive or otherwise unlawful; or
  4. not post a photograph or video of another person without that person’s consent.

Content may be moderated by VIDe Ltd. However, Content is not generally moderated prior to its appearance and VIDe Ltd. accepts no responsibility for the conduct of any user or member of the Values Exchange Community, including any Content posted on the Values Exchange Community by a staff member.

VIDe Ltd. reserves the right to remove any Content.
If you have any privacy concerns you are advised to use a pseudonym. 

3. Use

You must not use the Values Exchange Community to:

  1. bully, intimidate or harass any user;
  2. misrepresent or defame others;
  3. commit fraud;
  4. collect usernames or email addresses of members by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email;
  5. engage in misleading or deceptive conduct; or
  6. propagate computer worms, viruses or other types of malicious programs.

You may report any concerns about or misuse of the Values Exchange Community by email to: Values Exchange

We state unequivocally that - apart from the use of avatars and pseudonyms - any person who uses the VX Community to present themselves as other than who they really are will be banned from the Community for life. At our discretion we may choose to invoke criminal and/or civil proceedings against any person breaching this condition. By using this website you unreservedly accept this condition.

4. Liability

VIDe Ltd. is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user or member of the Values Exchange Community.

In no event will VIDe Ltd. or any Institution which subscribes to the Values Exchange Community be liable to you or any other person for any damages, losses, costs or expenses arising from your use of the Values Exchange Community or any Content.

You indemnify VIDe Ltd. for any damages, losses, costs and expenses incurred by VIDe Ltd. arising out of your use of the Values Exchange Community.

5. Termination

VIDe Ltd. may do any of the following:

  1. delete your profile;
  2. delete any Content posted by you; and
  3. terminate your membership, for any reason.